Mission Statement

Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Mission Statement

A collection of photos: Rev. Beth and woman at the altar; a lit candle in a chalice; three young girls and a man wearing a hat, two smiling women, and a yellow flower.

Our Mission Statement incorporates many of Unitarian Universalist principles and affirms our belief in their importance. It is the goal of our faith community to provide a ministry of hope and caring, for ourselves, the larger community, and the world.

  • A liberal religious community, diverse and dynamic;
  • Nurturing mind, body and spirit;
  • Fostering compassion, peace and justice;
  • Caring for the Earth and the life that it sustains;
  • Building the Beloved Community.

We invite you to explore our web site, visit our Fellowship, and meet our minister and the dynamic, inquisitive, and talented people that make the Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship such a special place. The door is open and we welcome your visit.