Our Community

Unitarian Universalist congregations are more than just centers of worship and spirituality. They are also places of community, where members and their families and friends can learn, play, and support one another.

Here at the Palomar Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, our social calendar has a diverse variety of events such as potluck meals, concerts, summer camp-outs, holiday parties, movie screenings, and more. Craft classes and other secular workshops allow members to share their skills with others.

Our congregation often comes together for community service projects and to care for members in need. Our monthly Social Concerns Brunch raises money for local charities. From contributing to nearby soup kitchens, to bringing casseroles and kind words to ill or bereaved, Unitarian Universalists come together to live their faith through kindness.

Supper Groups are another popular form of Small Group Ministry. Over the course of a year, a small people meet regularly, often over dinner, to get to know one another better. The next year, the members of the groups change. After a few years, each participating person knows most of their fellow congregational members very well.