Worship Opportunities

Sunday Services

Each Sunday at 9:30 am and 11:00 am
Our Sunday morning worship services is the time of the week when the community comes together. Through words, music, quiet contemplation, and shared sacred space, we celebrate our core religious values and are encouraged to live them daily.

Small Group Worship

Christian Group

First Tuesday 7:00 pm
Contact: Li-Anne Mufson 
All are welcome, especially those interested in studying and thinking about what modern Christianity means, who Jesus was, or why anyone would call themselves a Christian and a UU.

Covenant Circles

Contact Rev. Beth for more information.
Covenant Circles seek to strengthen the congregation and individuals by providing opportunities to deepen relationships of friendship, trust, and covenant with other group members and foster a stronger relation to the Fellowship and it’s mission. Groups of up to 8 to 10 folks meet monthly to discuss a topic prepared by each group’s trained facilitator. Participants make Covenant Circle a priority and commit to meeting with the group for at least 6 months.

Buddhist Study Groups

Each Thursday at 2:00 PM
Here is a time and space for stepping into silence and inner reflection. A silent meditation is followed by a reading from one of the Insight Meditation teachers, after which an often lively discussion ensues. Before closing, participants engage in a few minutes of Metta (loving kindness) meditation and a closing with words taken from Thich Naht Hahn. 

Men’s Group

Alternate Tuesdays (See Calendar), 12:00 pm
Bring your brown bag lunch and share the conversation about what’s going on in our lives. All men are invited to come and develop friendships.

Saturday Buddhist Sangha

Each Saturday at 9:00 AM
The Saturday Buddhist Sangha is a group of beginning and intermediate seekers that come together to meditate using a variety of techniques such as silent and guided meditations, chanting and, walking meditation. One of our goals is to heal our planet by living a life of peace and compassion. We generally follow the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh who emphasizes the inter-being of all things. Once a month a Dharma Teacher joins the group to provide a message. Groups are free; when a Dharma Teacher instructs, a donation is warmly appreciated.

Spiral Earth Explorations (SEE)

First Wednesday, 7:00 pm
Contact: Maria Dolegowski ((951) 553-0126

[email protected]

We are a chapter of CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans).  Our mission:

“We are a welcoming community providing a safe haven for exploration of various traditions, teachings and worship of Earth based spirituality, Paganism, Wicca, Pantheism and/or Sacred Earth.”