
Welcome from Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson

Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson


Our Unitarian Universalist congregation is home to Humanists, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Christians, Jews, Pagans, Agnostics, Theists, Mystics, and Freethinkers. Among us are those who claim multiple identities or simply that of Unitarian Universalist. 

While our theological identities are important and a source of meaning, interest, and richness, so too, are the age, gender, sexual orientation, abilities, ethnicities, racial, and political identities that we embody. We include old folks and babies and everyone in between. Among us are introverts and extroverts, straight people and LGBTQ people, omnivores and vegans, science fiction fanatics and social justice activists, 

As important and rich as this multiplicity of identities is, what makes this diverse congregation vibrant and dynamic is how we are together. We embody the plurality that we find in our world and so I often say that how we are together is our prophetic gift to the world.

We gather on Sundays for the shared affirmation of the shaping power of community, to learn, grow, and deepen together so that we might do the work that the world calls us to do. We gather throughout the week, for the various activities that you can learn about in these pages, to be enriched and connected, to share ideas and inspiration, to support each other and the institution so that we can do the work the world calls us to do.

We come together with open minds so we may learn from one another and the world around us. We share with loving hearts so we may be with one another in our joys and sorrows. We open our arms to the world that we may live with love, compassion, hope, and joy.

Peace and blessings,

Rev. Beth's Signature

-Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson